Happy Bandaversary to me … one month ago yesterday I was banded! This also marks my entry into week 5, which allows more foods and textures.  We celebrated with baked salmon and some roasted, Tuscan veggies at Bertucci's.  Of course half of it came home with me, but that is one of the perks of healthy eating that I seemed to have deprived myself of all these years.  If you enjoy a meal so much that you're willing to dig in and devour your plate, why not separate it into half, ask the waitress for a container before lifting the first bite to your drooling mouth, and take it home so you can enjoy it again the next day!  Genius, right?  

The people there probably thought we were nuts.  Both TJ and I were looking at the menu and then plucking menu ideas into our phones decided what and how I could eat.  Needless to say, a simple portion of baked salmon is not on the menu, but the kitchen was more than accommodating!  To dress it up a bit, the chef topped it with a small handful of freshly diced tomatoes, which I didn't eat, but it was the thought and creativity that counted!  

So now the answer to the question most people ask on your one month anniversary of being banded … "How much have you lost?"  ((((drum roll, please))))  Thirty-four pounds!  

That would be 20 pounds before surgery and 14 after, which ain't too shabby! 

To further celebrate this awesomeness, the girls and I are going shopping today!  Mama needs some new pants!  Some how when I was gaining weight, my fat ass jumped from size 14 to 18!  I have no size 16 pants!  So my choices are to wear the 18s and keep pulling them up so they don't look like one of my homey-students, squeeze into my 14s and bring the phrase 'muffin top' a whole new and disturbing meaning, or the obvious … go SHOPPING!  See, easy choice!  

Today is officially my 2 week point, which means I am officially entering into week three, which means I have graduated from liquid to 'mushy' foods!  

Applesauce, oatmeal, and guacamole. Oh my!

Yes, this makes me happy, but in the back of my mind there are some red flags waving … shouting … jumping up and down making funny faces and flailing around.

Clearly, the lap band isn't a miracle product that transforms your fat into fit overnight.  In fact, of all the weight loss surgeries to have, this is the one that will make you work the most for what you want. I see on some of the forums for Lap Band that people have pre-scheduled fills.  When Dr. Wasser told me he'd see me in two weeks I assumed this would be my first fill, too.  


In fact, I am now in a catch 22.  

If I lose 4 or more pounds in a month, I will not get a fill. At my 2 week check-up, Dr. Wasser lightly pushed on my port, told me I looked good, asked how I was feeling, and was pleased with my weight loss thus far.  He said he'd see me in a month and then shook my hand to send me on my way.  

My first thought … I sure as hell better lose more than 4 pound between now and Feb. first!  Damn!   I cannot imagine losing less than a pound a week, but then again … I have been stuck here at 202 for the past week.  Crap!  My idea is to lose 8-10 per month, which would then mean I never get a fill.  

Hello, catch-22! 

In the end, I know it doesn't matter as long as I am losing, but I thought having the 'fill' will keep me feeling closer to full.  Dr. Wasser said I have little to no restriction right now, and yet I do feel as if I get fuller faster and have to eat slower or else a tightness gathers in my chest and I become a belchasaurous!  Raaahh!!!  

If you have a band you know what I'm talking about.  

A bubble seems to form somewhere between your ribs and pouch above the band.  As it dislodges, you can feel it move upward and then loudly make its obnoxious entrance into the world.  Not exactly sexy, but damn it sure feels good! 

Walking helps move it along, as does a mini back rub.  Kinda like burping a baby, except you are the baby!  My husband has proven to be quite good at this … thanks, babe

Ok … back to my point … 

Dr. Wasser has given the ok to move onto mushy foods and told me to follow my weeks 3-5 menu options from the packet.  This would also be on my menu map and includes:


Protein drinks

Soft scrambled eggs

Soft cooked egg whites

Cottage cheese

Ricotta cheese

Sugar free pudding – normal consistency

No sugar added yogurt – NO fruit pieces yet!

Cream of wheat


Saltine crackers

Low fat sour cream

Cream cheese

Pureed chicken, tuna, and ham made with low fat mayo


Water packed canned fruits; peaches, pears, 

Mashed banana

Pureed carrots

Mashed squash


Mashed potatoes

Cream style peanut butter


Cooked veggies – NOT the ‘stringy’ variety

Mashed sweet potatoes/yams

Miracle whip

Sugar free jams/jelly – NO fruit chunks




Milled flax seeds

 Pintos & cheese

Mashed potatoes au gratin
I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but considering my last 5-6 weeks have been nothing but protein drinks and soup, I sure do like these additional options.  

Of course, I'll make 1-2 changes, but that's because I'm me and I like to test the limits a bit.  Rather than saltine crackers, I wondering how organic tortilla chips will do?  Not has crumbly as the saltine crackers or toast, yet I can easily chew them into tortilla pudding before hitting the 'swallow' button.  Besides, hummus and toast?  No thanks!  This was my snack at the movies today when Tom and I took the girls for their New Year's matinee.  I counted out 13 child and 3 Tablespoons of hummus.  At TJ Maxx yesterday I found the perfect, small, dividing containers with locking lids.  I figured today would be a good day to test one out.  Success!  I even snuck in a bottle of Bai 5 … yum! 

I am prepared for the hardest phase (so far) to begin.  This is where I need to take another look at my menu options, calorie caps, and water intake. 

I may not log every drop of water I drink in My Fitness Pal, but I will be more diligent with logging foods and exercise.  

Yes … I said exercise.  More on that later! 

As I snuggle against my heating pad and hope for my Milk of Mag to kick in, I cannot help but to compliment my progress thus far.

I have followed my doctor's directions and have settled in nicely to my routine as a post-op patient.

Waking up, usually between 7am and 8:30am, I have a glass of water and walk a few laps around the house. I check my wounds, use the bathroom, and ultimately find my way back to my throne of a recliner.

Then, I enjoy my breakfast of either a vanilla or chocolate protein shake.  This takes about a half hour or so to get down … not because I'm physically restricted, but because I am intentionally pacing myself.

While sitting, I am sure to keep my feet up … gotta keep those pesky blood clots away … and then make myself aware of the time and keep track of making sure I walk around, drink fluids, drink my protein, and of course, enjoy a bit of soup for lunch and dinner.

I have found a new love of sugar-free popsicles and guiltlessly indulge in at least one per day.  Today, I had two.  Guiltless.

The gas pain in the left shoulder is the only residual annoyance I can complain about now. It's dull at times, sharp others … but always present.  Walking does help, I won't deny that … but I'm hoping a few more days will pass and so will the gas.

Perhaps a massage will ease the bubble … hmmm … oh' hubby ….!!!!  LOL!

Day Five of Post-Op:

The scale smiled at me this morning as the numbers 207 shined … yes, this makes 23 pounds down!  Woot!

I have been logging my foods via MyFitnessPal and trying to increase my water intake.  My total calories are inline with what my doctor has suggested and I have had no problem with keeping anything down.

Doc wants me on 'full liquids' for two weeks … he said, "the rule of thumbs is, if you can fit it through a straw you can have it!"  He then stipulated that I should avoid drinking anything through a straw … too much air and gas! LOL!For now, it's soup!  Tomorrow we are going out to dinner with friends and it'll be a mini-test.  It's at a restaurant that I wanted to check out before surgery, but we never made it over that way.  I plan on looking at the menu up online tonight and praying they have soups!  Perhaps a nice broccoli and cheddar … non-chunky, of course!